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Aquamarine 2nd May 2023 Part 1

We want to give you the message of love. It's so important Dear Ones to love yourselves, to give yourselves a hug, tell yourselves that you are loved. No one can love you better than yourself. You are loved by so many, you are loved by the unseen, you're loved by families, friends, your Soul, and your Higher Self, you are loved so much.

When you give yourself love, a hug, when you put your hand over your heart and say I Love You, your Higher Self and Soul are telling you they love you.

Your Higher Self / Soul are with you every minute, second, of the day, and they are loving you. They are loving you when you prick your finger, stumble over a stone, when you feel scattered, when you sit back and laugh over something silly. When you are chasing one shiny object after another, they're loving you every minute of the day. They love you.

They may be tapping you on the shoulder, and saying, hey this way, not that way, however they're still there loving and supporting you along your way.

Remember Dear Ones, to be Present, be Present in the NOW. So many humans are rushing off into the future, thinking got do this and that, the future hasn’t arrived. Or they get caught up in all that happened in the past, release whatever happened in the past. Stop and enjoy the Present, the Now Moment. In this moment of time, you are creating your next Present moment, which is a gift.

Each one of you are special, and you have gifts, talents, skills to share, all of you have something to offer to the world around you, to your friends, family, and your communities.

Love and embrace the gifts that you have, and don't rush into the future . Enjoy the Present, which is a gift and the Now, because when you are enjoying the Present, this Now, you are creating more joyful moments and gifts in the next Present moment of time.

We love you, we love you, and so it is.


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