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Chrysanthemum Stone

As I sat and looked at the Chrysanthemum Stone, I saw many beings and animals. First, I noticed two baby chicks, symbolizing new life, followed by what appeared to be a cat, a couple of dogs showing their faces, and another young dog looking out of a cave. Initially, I thought I saw the face of a monkey, but upon closer examination, I realized it was the face of an Old Wise Soul—filled with wisdom. I also saw sea animals appearing as a turtle and a dolphin.

I was guided to the meaning of the turtle, which symbolizes strength, resilience, perseverance, and good luck. It can also represent longevity, wisdom, and protection.

As for the dolphin, different cultures interpret its symbolism differently, but it is generally associated with playfulness, intelligence, grace, trust, harmony, protection, rebirth, and good luck.

The Chrysanthemum Stone itself represents new life, new starts, and new ideas. As its message unfolded, I understood why I was shown these different beings and animals.

Chrysanthemum Stone – What Is Your Message?

Many people are looking at the New Year, 2025, with fresh eyes, renewed energy, and a sense of optimism and excitement. Yet, some feel despondent, wondering what the year will bring for them.

Last month's newsletter provided guidance to help navigate the year ahead. The beings that revealed themselves in the stone symbolized new life, new starts, and new ideas.

The Wise Old Soul, with wisdom and knowledge etched into his face, serves as a reminder: everyone has wisdom within them—they’ve just forgotten. This wisdom has been passed down through ancestors, grandparents, parents, friends, mentors, and more. It is already within you.

By slowing down and breathing deeply, you allow yourself to enter a meditative or reflective state—even daydreaming can bring forth forgotten wisdom. It may surface as an inspired thought, a gut feeling, a nudge to check something out, or the urge to call someone. Ask a question and trust that you will be guided to the answer.

Even simple activities like playing with pets, spending time with children, going for a walk, or engaging in a creative pursuit can free your mind, allowing answers to come in unexpected ways.

The Chrysanthemum Stone wants you to know:

➡ You have beauty and knowledge within you—allow yourself to receive it.

➡ The Chrysanthemum Stone is a symbol of hope, good fortune, and renewal.

➡ The turtle brings strength, resilience, perseverance, good luck, wisdom, and protection.

➡ The dolphin invites playfulness, intelligence, and grace into your life.

We share this message with you so that you may believe in yourself, knowing that you are worthy and good enough. Trust your intuition, gut feelings, and inspired thoughts. You all have unique gifts and talents, even in the things you take for granted—whether it's playing an instrument, cooking, gardening, or creating art. No one else does it quite like you.

By slowing down and quieting your monkey mind, you will begin to hear the quiet whispers of wisdom and the fleeting ideas that pass quickly.

The Chrysanthemum Stone is a powerful symbol for a New Year—especially now, as you move forward and perhaps feel your resolutions or intentions fading. It encourages you to:

🌿 Remember that you are worthy.

🌿 Trust in renewal, hope, and good fortune.

🌿 Take small steps toward your dreams and desires—whatever excites and brings you joy.🌿 Imagine and feel what it would be like to live your dreams.

By focusing on your desires for just a few minutes each day, you draw them closer. Adding the phrase "This or something better" invites the Universe to bring you something even greater than you imagined.

Each day is a new day, a new start, and a new opportunity. Step into it as a new person, embracing:

💫 Strength, resilience, perseverance, wisdom

💫 Playfulness, intelligence, grace, trust

💫 Harmony, protection, rebirth, and good luck

We love you. We love you. And so it is.


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