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Glow Green Calcite

Glow Green Calcite glows at night, once the lights are out. During the day it is a plain colour.

When I looked at this crystal, I saw a Being that reminded me of a Koala Bear, and another Being standing in front of it, appearing as a child. A bird showed itself with a lot of plumage, plus I saw the face of dog, and a tree with lots of branches and leaves.

We are here, We are here, and We are delighted to be with you at this moment in time.

Welcome do you have a message for the readers?

We are Glow Green Calcite, and we glow in the dark – during the day we seem very ordinary, a plain colour.  Yet, as you observed and admired the crystal, you saw us, and we emerged even more for you to see us.

Our message is that everyone glows their own light – everyone has light within them. Some have dimmed their light over time. Due to stress, day to day living, worry, or maybe someone said something not so positive about their gifts, skills or who they are.

We are here to tell you All – you are all Shining the Light into your families, workplaces, with friends, everywhere in your own worlds/realities, your life. You don’t realize it; you don’t realize how much you are touching people’s lives by Being You.

You bring joy, happiness, love, fun. You bring caring, understanding, empathy, compassion to name a few. There are many attributes, skills you All have that you share daily while going about your day, your world, your reality, your life.

Some of you hide your light, your gifts, so people don’t really see ‘who you are’. Others Shine their Light, bringing peace, harmony, joy, love, wherever they go.

However, every one of you are shining your light, if you know it or not.  You Are – We see it – and we Thank you, for what you are doing, by making a difference to the people in your life.  Your family, friends,  who you meet randomly, or pass in the street, or shops, you are touching people’s lives.

Some have dimmed their light so much, that’s it’s just a small speck of light, see that speck of light as an ember in the fire, which is nearly out. However, when you gently blow on it, add paper and small pieces of wood, it catches alight, and starts to grow, and soon you have a wonderful warm fire glowing and shining its light.

This is how you can fan your light, by showering yourself in Self-love, compassion, love, and forgiving yourself, by  hugging yourself and your inner child. Believing in yourself and your inner child. Many have lost in believing in themselves – and given up on some of their joys, and what they  love to do. Like art, painting, dancing, sport, sewing, your creativity in many shapes and forms, your skills, talents, things you loved to do and brought you fun and joy.

These creativity abilities, and the things you love to do, allows you to shine your light, and to let you shine your light again. It will help you see how to move forward, and what direction you require to go. Giving clarity and peace of mind.

Your animals are here to help show you this as well. They are full of fun, play, joy, that is what they know. Sometimes they may have a sad look on their face, or feel hesitant, however when you give love, with a pat, kind word, hug,  they return to their fun, play and all is forgiven.

We want you to know We Love You – and We Always Have – and Always Will. Believe this Dear Ones, - Give yourself a hug and tell your inner child how much you love them,  forgive yourself, know you are Loved, and you are Shining Your light.

You can ignite your light by showering into your life,  love, joy, happiness, creativity, fun, play laughter, smiling, hugging yourself, and someone else.

 Breathing deeply in out 3 or  4 times.

Looking up at the Sunrise, Sun or Moon or Sunset.

Grounding yourself by standing on the grass, soil, sand.  

Mother Earth and Nature love you, and will dispel all your Not So Positive thoughts, Emotions, feelings,  and transmutes them into Positive Thoughts, Feelings, Emotions.

Allow yourself to Shine Your Light, Dear Ones, Shine Your Light.

We love you, we love you, and so it is.


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