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Labradorite what is your message for this month?

We are here Dear Ones, we are here, and many of us are showing up to our Channel today, because we feel this is very important.

Many feel unworthy, or not good enough, many feel ashamed of their lives, some feel disappointment, that they haven’t done what their dreams or desires were.

Some feel disappointed in themselves, because they feel they have strayed off the path of where they wanted to go.

We are showing there are numerous paths for everyone, and those paths all have light on them. You may be feeling you are in the shade now, and not able to see a way forward.

You are looking down Dear Ones – look up, Dear Ones, look up and you will see the light, you will see a way forward

Many may say. “I am not able to see a way, I am not able to see the light, and I feel it’s hopeless”.

We say again – Look Up – Look Up at the Sky, Look Up at the Sun – the Moon, Stars, Look Up and you will see the Light.

Let’s take the Sun. As you gaze at the Sun, you see the light, you feel the light, you see it shining on you – as you feel its rays on You. You feel yourself shift, you feel lighter, you feel a warmth of Love from the Sun. You feel Lighter.

As you experience this, you have let go of the not-so-positive thoughts you were hanging onto. Or in another way, you stepped away from the negative thoughts you were having.

You were focused on the Sun, its warmth, its rays of light, and your focus was shifted. You felt a lift in yourselves, in your feelings and emotions.

What you focus on you receive back to you, you receive more of the same. When you resist something, you resist all things. Let go of those thoughts that you are hanging onto so tightly – thoughts of judgment, fear, blame, worry. You are creating more of the same and attracting more of the same into your life.

We, Labradorite, want to let you know we shine the light in many colours, shapes, forms, and paths. We reflect the Sun and Light back to you, to uplift you. To help you change your perspective, change your thoughts, to help you feel lighter.

When you gaze at us, we show you our light, beautiful colours. Our mission is to uplift you with Joy, as you cast your eyes on us – You see light, the beautiful colours, you feel a sense of peace, joy, upliftment, and there are many paths for you to choose.

We have shifted your focus to something positive, beautiful, uplifting, and with this, you are able to let go of the old. You are open to inspiration and inspired thoughts.

Focus on the Joy, Peace, Love, Beauty that surrounds you. There is always beauty, light, colours, joy in your environments. Nature, trees, flowers, shrubs, lakes, rivers, oceans, water. The Sun dappling on the water creating rainbows. Rainbows, we show rainbows because they create the bridge to help you to focus, and look up, and see all the beauty around you.

When you see beauty, you uplift yourselves, you feel light, and you let go of the resistance, and you feel Worthy, and Good Enough.

Thoughts become Things, and it’s true, your thoughts create that which you are focused on. Focus on the Good Thoughts, positive thoughts. Let go of those not so good thoughts, they are not serving you, they are holding you back, let them go.

Look Up Dear Ones, look at the Sun, look for the rainbows in your lives. As you focus on the good, the light, you see rainbows show up in the most unexpected places.

Look up, look towards the Horizon, Dear Ones, you will  see things with clarity and with clear focus.

Look Up Dear Ones, Look Up and Stand Tall, you are loved, you are very much loved. We Love You and with this we will say it again.

We Love You and So It Is.


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