I see many Beings showing themselves, animals, dogs, people, and faces, plus a beautiful energy like a white spiral. The feeling from this spiral is Angel Energy flowing to everyone. Such a beautiful loving energy is flowing from this crystal –
What’s Your Message for the ones who will read this, Dear Muscovite and the Beings within?
We are delighted to be with you Dear Ones, and we love you all, we love you all. You are all precious Beings, some of you know this, and others feel “Who Me? I’m not special”. However, we say YES You Are All Special – you all play prominent roles in your lives, and the people in your realties and worlds.
We wish to let you know this because some of you don’t believe in Yourselves. You are All Worthy, You All have Gifts – skills that are unique to you. Now we want to elaborate more on this – you may feel that your skills, gifts, knowledge – that everyone has them. Some do, and you may feel they do it better, and that your gift is not special.
However Dear Ones, the way you utilise your skill, knowledge, gifts are unique to You – you say or do things in a different way – and it’s Your Energy that allows you to share your gifts, skills, knowledge, differently. It’s Your Energy that is unique to you Dear Ones, and no one has your energy – it’s how you look after your energy. Love your Energy, Dear Ones.
You may be thinking, “My Energy – I feel so tired, I feel ……………..”If that’s the case Dear Ones:
What are your thoughts?
What are you telling yourself consciously and unconsciously, without thinking?
Are you telling yourself that you are useless, no good, and creating more negative thoughts?
What stories are you telling yourself?
Stop Dear Ones – the stories you are telling yourself are creating a Negative Energy, and that Negativity Energy is depleting you, and causing you to feel sorry for yourself.
Your Thoughts are Energy, and they can deflate or uplift you. So what story are you telling yourself? Is it Positive or Negative?
If it’s negative – This is your mind or a subconscious belief trying to get you to believe it. When you catch yourself saying something negative STOP – and say, “Thank you – I love you – however that’s not true,” and replace it with a positive thought.
It will take practice, however as you catch yourself more and more, you will start feeling better, happier, more contented, calmer, peaceful with your life. Your life will take on a new direction which you find yourself enjoying and loving more.
This is why we showed the animals in the Crysal Muscovite, especially the dogs. Majority of you love dogs and your pets. You get a lot of enjoyment out of the antics of dogs and your pets, and what they get up to.
The animals/pets are Your Angels, they come into your life to help you. They help create upliftment, love, joy, happiness in your life. There are many Angels in many shapes and forms. Humans, animals, birds, all of life in nature and nature itself. The water – when you go for swim in the ocean, river, or lake – you feel different, you feel happier.
Many take Nature for granted, and many abuse it – Nature is here to help you all, and everything is Energy Dear Ones … everything is Energy.
So, we come back to Your Energy, and find things that uplift you if you are feeling down, or being triggered by emotions, or your thoughts.
Start talking to your Mind-Voice, which will be chatting away to you non-stop. Most of the things it will be saying to you, won’t be true.
Stop your mind from telling you stories. Acknowledge the voice – thank it, give it a kind word, even say ‘I love you, but what you telling is not true’. Then change what you are telling yourself to a new positive story.
A Powerful One is I Love You and you Say Your Name, and give yourself a HUG, and keep saying I Love You – you will find your energy will shift and you will start feeling better. It may take a few times, depending how depleted your energy is.
I AM are two words that are very Powerful. They help to manifest things into your life. Positive or Negative, so be aware how you use those two words. Be sure what you are saying, is in a positive way.
Breathe – remember to Breathe. Taking three good breaths or more, also helps shift the energy as well.
We Love this Saying – Absolutely nothing could make me any happier than I am right now. Repeat it repeatedly, and you might discover a smile will come on your face, and you may find yourself laughing. You will feel happier.Laughing and smiling are very good ways to uplift you. Even watching or listening to some funny stories/videos – these all help shift your energy in a positive way. Once you are back in a positive frame, you can start telling a good positive story.
Plus Remember to feel gratitude and appreciation for all things in your life in the Now moment.
With that Dear Ones we are complete.We Love You, We Love You, and so it is.